October 18, 2024

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Front Or Back Stroller: See Which Is Better

Babies who face their parents in the stroller have more stimulating speech. A survey by the University of Dundee, Scotland, with over 2,700 families found that the baby’s position in the stroller can encourage the little one to talk.

Researchers have found that when babies have their backs to the person pushing the stroller, the chances of that person talking to the baby are lower. Another study reinforced this finding. The survey carried out with 20 mothers, and their babies found that when the baby is facing the mother in the stroller, that is, looking at her, mothers tend to talk twice as often to their babies. And the babies also laughed more.

Talking more with your baby is essential because this is the primary way your little one learns to talk. Thus, the more parents or other caregivers talk to the baby, the more stimuli the little one receives to talk. In addition, the researchers point out that when the child’s back is to the parents, they end up not observing what is catching the little one’s attention; thus, the chances of interaction are reduced.

However, be aware that there is no need to despair if your baby is facing away from you in the stroller. The authors of the studies emphasize that the central message of these surveys is: talk to your baby. So even if your baby has his back to you in the wonderfold wagon stroller, be sure to talk to him. This is how you will stimulate your little one’s speech.

Baby Talk: Tips For Parents To Encourage

The development of a speech baby is undoubtedly one of the most anticipated moments for the child’s parents. Hearing the first words spoken brings a lot of joy to the family. Because, in addition to being very cute, it marks the moment when the interaction between parents and children reaches another level.

This moment must be accompanied by stimuli so that the child’s speech can develop properly. So, keep reading and learn tips on best practices for encouraging your baby to talk.

Why Is It Important To Stimulate The Baby’s Speech?

A baby’s first few words are usually spoken around 12 months of age. However, at only three years old, he will be able to pronounce the sentences more coherently. They remember that each child has their own time for language development.

During this entire period, parents must adopt some practices to stimulate the baby’s ability to speak. Through these stimuli, he will be able to recognize sounds better, increase vocabulary and differentiate words, facilitating when forming the first sentences.