September 8, 2024

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Making sure your business emails don’t end up in the Gmail spam folder

If you own a business, you might know too well the issues you might face if your business email ends up in the Gmail spam folder of the recipients. It is a known fact that a lot ofbusiness emails around the world don’t end up in the right inboxes. This could lead to the brand missing out on a lot of opportunities as well as not reaching the sales targets.

This is why solving email deliverability issues are very important for companies. It does not matter whether you own a startup or a marketing agency or an enterprise. You can find the right service for all your email issues in one place- Folderly. Folderly is the perfect solution for all your email deliverability issues and you can choose this service with utmost confidence and trust.

More than 200 businesses choose Folderly to make sure that their emails don’t end up in the Gmail spam folder of potential clients and users. And all these companies have had only positive resultsfor their email deliverability. Folderly is the best service that can provide solutions for all your email issues.

Choosing Folderly will help you to make sure that all your business emails are delivered to the right place and not to any spam folders.The service will also help to increase the rate of people opening and replying to your emails.Not even one of your emails will end up in the spam folder if you use Folderly.


Folderly helps their customer companiesto find the right package that will not fulfil their needs but also fit their budget for email campaigns. The pricing of the services is divided mainly based on either monthly or yearly plans. There are also many plans under yearly and monthly packages.

Under yearlypackages, there are 3 plans you can choose from. The ‘Individual’ plan is $160/month. You can add only one email address for this but for the ‘Startup’ plan you can add 10 email addresses, and the pricing is $1200/month.The last ‘Agency’ plancosts $2000/month and you can add up to 50 email addresses to test email deliverability.

The ‘Individual’ plan under monthly packages cost $200/month while the ‘Agency’ plan has a pricing of $2500/month. The best value plan is the ‘Startup’ plan that costs $1500/month.

Depending on your company size and value, you can choose the perfect package with pricing that fits your budget.Folderly also offers different services to fit the type of company you own. It will work according to whether your business is a startup or an enterprise or an agency.


Folderly assures all its clientsof satisfaction and positive results when it comes to their email deliverance. Many companies have seen more than 400% customer retention after using Folderly’s services. Businesses have had increases in sales as well as an increase in their email deliverance rates.

So don’t waste time and join Folderly today itself and solve all your email deliverance issues.